Magazine Blocks by BlockArt

Gutenberg Editor, Magazine & Newspaper Website Builder, Page Builder with Posts Blocks


The Slider Block allows displaying the content in the slider on the site page and posts. Moroever, the block provides options to select content to display in the slider, as well as settings to customize the slider’s appearance and behavior, such as autoplay, navigation arrows, etc.

Add Slider Block

After you have chosen the Slider Block, you’ll get a block editing panel on the right-hand side. It has three options: GeneralStyle, and Advanced. These options customize the design and other elements of the block. Let’s explore one by one below:

General #

It provides the following customization options for the Slider Block:

General #

  • Content Alignment – It sets the position of the slider content on the left, center, and right. Moreover, you can set the position of the content to be different on various devices (Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile).
  • AutoPlay – It rotates the slides automatically without requiring any user interaction.
  • Pause on Hover – The option pauses the slide when hover the cursor over the slider.

Query #

It consists of settings related to the posts displayed on the slider. You can choose posts to be displayed on the slider based on Category, Tag, Date, Title, Authors, etc.

Also, you can sort the posts in Ascending or Descending order. Likewise, you can choose the number of posts to be displayed.

Moreover, you can also exclude the specific category to be displayed.

Post Query Settings

Arrow #

Enabling the arrow displays the icons (left and right) that help manually move the slider forward and backward.

Enable Arrow

Post Title #

The options work for the post title of the Slider block and provide the following options:

  • HTML Markup – It changes the heading tag for the post title. Under the HTML Markup option, select the required markup for your post title. You can set your post title to be in H1 – H6.
Select Post Title HTML Markup

Header Meta #

It refers to the metadata appearing in each post. Currently, the post category is displayed as the header meta and comes with the following option:

  • Category – Switch the Toggle to the right area to enable the category. Enabling the option will display the Category on the slider area.
Enable Category

Meta #

Meta refers to the metadata displayed over the post, such as Author, Date, etc. With the Slider block, you’ll get the Author and Date meta above the post title, which comes with the following options:

  • Position – It allows you to change the position of the meta. You can display it above or below the post title.
  • Author – Switch the Toggle to the right area to enable the Author. Enabling the option will display the Author’s name and icon.
  • Date – Switch the Toggle to the right area to enable the Date.
Enable Header Meta

Excerpt #

An Excerpt is a summary or brief description of a post that provides readers with a quick overview of the content, allowing them to decide whether they want to read more. The Excerpt displays below the meta with the following options:

  • Enable – Switch the Toggle to the right area to enable the Excerpt. Enabling the option will display the Excerpt text on your end.
  • Limit – By default, the Slider blocks limit excerpts to 20 words. You can increase or decrease the excerpt length according to your preference.

Read More #

The Slider Block allows displaying the Read More tag on the post. Clicking the read more tag will display the full contents of the post. It comes with the following options:

  • Enable – Switch the Toggle to the right area to enable the Read More. Enabling the option will display the Read More tag below the excerpt text.
  • Text – It allows you to change the read more label. By default, the label is Read More, but it can be changed.

Dots #

It adds dot icons to the slider area that indicate the current slide position and number of total slides in the slider.

Style #

Under the style settings, you’ll find the following options available:

General #

  • Height – It determines the height of the slider image. Moreover, you can set the height value of the different for various devices (Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile).
  • Speed – It determines the speed of the slider on rotation.

Arrow #

It styles the arrow icons appearing over the slider image and comes up with the following options:

  • Height – It determines the height of the arrow. Moreover, you can set the height value of the arrow to be different for various devices (Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile).
  • Width – It determines the width of the arrow. Moreover, you can set the width value of the arrow to be different for various devices (Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile).
  • Size – It determines the size of the arrow icon. Moreover, you can set the size of the icon to be different for various devices (Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile).
  • Text Color – It allows you to change the color of the Arrow Icon in Normal and Hover Modes.
  • Background – It sets the background color of the arrow in the Normal and Hover Modes.

Post Title #

The options work for the post title of the Slider block and provide the following options:

  • Typography – It allows you to control the Slider Post Title Typography, such as Font FamilyWeightFont size, Line height, and other related styling properties. The options are listed below:
    • Font Family – The option allows you to choose the appropriate Font Family.
    • Weight – It refers to the thickness or boldness of the post title.
    • Size – It controls the font size of the post title.
    • Line Height – It manages the space above and below the post title.
    • Letter Spacing – It controls the amount of space between characters in the post-title text.
    • Style – Using the property, you can set the post title text to be Italic or Oblique.
    • Transformation – It changes the case of the text, such as lowercase, uppercase, and Capitalized.
    • Decoration – The styling is applied to the heading block to make it more visually appealing. The options include underline, overline, and line through.
  • Text Color – It allows you to change the post title color on Normal and Hover Modes.

Header Meta #

  • Text Color – It allows you to change the color of the Meta Text in Normal and Hover modes.
  • Background – This setting sets the background color for the header meta. You can change the background’s visual appearance by changing its color or adding an image. Moreover, you can set different background colors in Normal and Hover Modes.
  • Padding – It adjusts the space of header meta elements.
  • Text Color – It allows you to change the color of the Meta Text in Normal and Hover modes.
  • Background – It sets the background color for the Header Meta. You can change the visual appearance of the background by changing its color or adding an image. Moreover, you can set the different background colors on Normal and Hover Modes.
  • Padding – It adjusts the space of header meta elements.
  • Border – It customizes the Border area added around the Header Meta and comes with the following options:
    • Type – You can set the border type as SolidDottedDashedDouble, etc. Moreover, select the border type to be None if you do not want to add any border. When you select none, you will be given the following option:
      • Radius – It allows you to fix the radius value to make the round corners for the column border.
      • Box Shadow – When you enable the Box Shadow option, you will get the following customization options:
        • Color – It allows you to select the appropriate box-shadow color for the border.
        • Horizontal-X – It displays the box shadows in the horizontal position.
        • Vertical-Y – It displays the box shadows in the vertical position.
        • Blur – You can set up the blur value of the box shadows appearing.
        • Spread – The shadow’s spread value represents the distance to expand or contract a shadow in all directions. You can change the spread value according to the site’s requirements.
        • Position – You can set the position of the box shadows as Inset or Outline.

However, if you select the border type to be other than none, two more options will be added. The option is listed below:

  • Border Color – It allows you to choose the appropriate border color for the Meta area.
  • Size – It provides the option to select the border size.

Note – You can apply the border settings option differently for Normal and Hover Modes.

Meta #

  • Icon Color – It allows changing the icon’s color representing the metadata.
  • Link Color – It allows changing the color of the link representing the metadata. You can change the link color in Normal and Hover modes.

Excerpt #

  • Text Color – It allows you to set the excerpt text color.
  • Margin – It manages the margin value of the excerpt text.

Read More #

  • Text Color – It allows you to change the color of the Read More label in Normal and Hover Modes.
  • Background – It allows you to add the background for the Read More tag. You can add an image or use the color to set the background. Moreover, you can set the different background colors in Normal and Hover Modes.
  • Spacing – It manages the spaces in between the content appearing above the Read More tag.
  • Padding – It sets the padding value for the Read More tag.
  • Border – It customizes the Border area added around the Read More tag.

Dots #

  • Gap – It determines the spacing between each dot. You can set the gap value to be different for various devices (Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile).
  • Height – It determines the height of the dots. Moreover, you can set the height value of the arrow to be different for various devices (Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile).
  • Width – It determines the width of the dots. Moreover, you can set the width value of the arrow to be different for various devices (Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile).
  • Horizontal Position – It manages the dot’s position horizontally.
  • Vertical Position – It manages the dots’ position vertically.
  • Background – It sets the background color for the dots. You can change the visual appearance of the background by changing its color or adding an image.
  • Border – It customizes the border types and styles the border appearing around the dots.

Advanced #

The Advanced section consists of four options for the Slider block.

Spacing #

Under the spacing section, you can find the following options available:

  • Block Margin – According to the site requirement, you can assign a specific margin value to the block along with units like px, em, %, and rem. Moreover, you can set the value of the different margins for various devices (Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile).
  • Block Padding – According to the site requirement, you can assign a specific padding value to the block along with units like px, em, %, and rem. Moreover, you can set the value of the different margins for various devices (Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile).

Z-Index #

It allows you to set the priority of the Slider block according to the site requirement.

Responsive Condition #

Using the option, you can enable/disable displaying the block on various screen sizes:

  • Hide on Desktop – It hides the slider block on the Desktop.
  • Hide on Tablet – It hides the slider block on the Tablet.
  • Hide on Mobile – It hides the slider block on Mobile.

Advanced #

Under the option, you can set the Block HTML, CSS ID, and Classes for the block. The available options are listed below:

  • Block HTML – It sets the HTML elements to your site requirements. By default, the HTML element is Div; however, you can use another element such as Address, Article, Aside, etc.
  • CSS ID – It allows you to set specific IDs to style this particular Slider block. Once you have set the ID, you can write the CSS Code to style the block using that particular ID.
  • Additional CSS Class(es) – It allows you to add a CSS Class(es) to your block, letting you write custom CSS to style this particular block.

Moreover, you can add more than one class separately by commas.

For example, if you want to change the width of the Slider block, you can add the class slider-width under the Additional CSS Class field. After that, visit your CSS editor and write a style for the class as below:


Adding the code will change only this particular Slider block.

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