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Build Posts and Pages with BlockArt Blocks

< 1 min read

There are 3 basic steps on creating each section of your site:

Adding Section and Columns #

A section is a block that wraps columns containing other blocks. You can add it just like any other block.

  1. From the Post/Page Edit Screen, click the Block Insert + icon button on the top-left.
  2. From the list of blocks that appeared, click Section under BLOCKART categories.
  3. Note that, there are other ways of adding blocks. Read this article for the detail on adding a new block.
  4. After adding the section, a list of different columns layout appear, choose as you need.

Adding General Blocks inside Columns #

In each column available inside the section, you can add general blocks just like the section.

Styling Section, Columns, and General Blocks #

After adding sections, columns, or other blocks, you’ll find settings on the right sidebar of the editor. Browse through the settings to change the design of the content added.

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